About Pasta
It is estimated that there are approximately 600 different types of pasta - and over 2 times that many names for them! Did you know that the oldest reference to pasta dates back to 1154?
A type of food typically made from an unleavened dough of wheat flour mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or other shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking.
Pasta has a lower glycemic index than many other staple foods in Western culture, like bread, potatoes, and rice.
Italy produces between 1,700,000 and 3,300,000 TONS of pasta per year.
Common Ingredients:
Common Ingredients:




Semolina flour

Our Labels are designed to help you decide what type of sauce works well with each unique shape of Sabbiatos Pasta.
Red Label – Red Sauces
Cream Label – Creamy Sauces
Green Labels – Pesto Sauces
- These are only suggestions so feel free to use any sauce according to your tastes.
We also offer recommendations for wines that pair well with these sauces.
- These are only suggestions so feel free to serve any wine according to your tastes.
Our pasta is made with an authentic Italian extruding machine.
Each batch of pasta is made by hand through our Italian extruding machine then slowly air dried in a controlled environment.

Pasta is typically made from durum wheat flour.
Pasta Fun Facts:
- Most pasta falls under two categories – it is either dry, or it is fresh.
- There are over 600 types of pasta, and they have over 1300 names.
- The three most popular pastas are: penne, spaghetti and macaroni
- There are many varieties of pasta, such as: long pasta, short pasta, egg pasta, fresh pasta and al forno (meaning “baked”) pasta.
- Pasta can be served in multiple ways. It can be mixed with a sauce or a fresh condiment, it can be stirred into soups or stews, and it can also be baked.
- Fresh pasta is often served with meat, in dishes such as ravioli.
- Dried pasta doubles in size when cooked and is often served with thick hearty sauces.
- National Pasta Month is October, so be sure to prep your finest pasta dishes for then.
- The traditional Italian way of cooking pasta is known as ‘al dente’. Translated as “to the tooth”. This refers to the slight firmness felt when testing for doneness,
- If pasta is cooked properly, it should stick when it is thrown at a wall!
- Pasta has many health benefits, as it is low in calorific value and contains various nutrients and minerals.
- Pasta can also be given to dogs and cats. It’s believed it helps their growth development and makes their coats glossy and healthy.
- One cup of cooked pasta is the size of your fist.
- Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta, per person, per year.
- There’s science behind the pairing of specific pasta to specific sauces. Short, hollow shapes should be paired with meaty, chunky sauces, while long, thin strands are perfect to mop up luxurious sauces.
- Al dente pasta not only makes the pasta taste better and more enjoyable, but also keeps you full for longer!
- The word pasta essentially means dough in Italian
- Pasta contains six of the eight essential amino acids, and when combined with meat, dairy and other protein foods can give you all the amino acids you need in one dish!
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